Statement From Councilmember Robert White on Congress Passing RFK Stadium Bill
I’m excited that the RFK campus land is finally being preserved for DC. This gives us the opportunity to revitalize blighted land and turn it into something that truly benefits the people of our city. My focus is making sure this project works for all Washingtonians by addressing critical issues like our dire need for […]
Councilmember Robert White Statement on the Allegations Against Councilmember Trayon White
“The criminal allegations against Councilmember Trayon White are disturbing and disheartening. This news is tragic for the constituents of Ward 8. As councilmember at large, I serve the residents of Ward 8 and I will work with the rest of the Council and the Bowser administration to fill any gaps moving forward. Now more than […]
Councilmember Robert White statement on the District meeting its goal of building 36,000 homes by 2025
“Today, the Mayor announced that the District has met its goal from 2019 of producing 36,000 new units of housing by 2025. This is an important milestone, met with our consistent investments in housing. But we still have work to do. The administration didn’t meet its goal of distributing new housing evenly across wards or […]
Statement: Councilmember Robert White on DCHA’s Three-Year Recovery Plan
I’m glad to see the Three-Year Recovery Plan from the DC Housing Authority (DCHA). This is a positive step for residents in DC’s voucher programs and public housing. I appreciate Director Pettigrew being clear-eyed about how DCHA’s organizational failures have harmed residents, and his commitment to restoring lost trust. As DCHA continues working on the […]
Housing Committee Budget Update
Today the Housing Committee voted unanimously to pass our revised budget out of the committee. I’m proud to share what we accomplished with you, below. Thank you to everyone who testified in front of the committee and made your budget priorities heard! As you’ll remember, this budget year looked bleak — with the mayor proposing deep cuts to programs for […]
Councilmember Robert White Statement on Mayor’s FY2025 Budget Proposal
As we gather for this critical budget hearing, I want to begin by acknowledging the concerns that are weighing heavily on the minds of our residents. As we sit here in this chamber, there are families across our city facing tough decisions at their kitchen tables—decisions about how to pay rent, worries about their kids’ […]
Councilmember Robert White’s 2025 Budget Letter to Mayor Muriel Bowser
March 13, 2024 The Honorable Muriel BowserMayor of the District of ColumbiaJohn A. Wilson Building1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWashington, DC 20004 Dear Mayor Bowser: This year, we face the incredible challenge of both responding to residents’ basic needs and preparing a balanced, fiscally responsible budget. The pandemic forever changed the District. Remote work is here to […]
Councilmember Robert White Statement on What the Loss of the Wizards and Capitals Would Mean for DC’s Safety Net
I join residents all over DC who are disappointed about our possible loss of the Wizards and Caps. This is a blow to DC’s culture and sports identity. A loss of tax revenues from the sports arena could mean fewer funds for social services at a time when the Mayor is actively slashing every social […]
Councilmember Robert White Statement on Mayor Refusing to Give Snap A Raise
The Mayor refusing to increase the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) as required by law, which she signed, is the latest in a series of decisions that harm low-income Washingtonians. About 140,000 residents who depend on SNAP to put food on the table —neighbors making tough choices about who in the house will or will […]
An HPAP Update for Potential Homebuyers
Many first-time homebuyers rely on programs like the Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP) to make their homeownership dreams possible. HPAP prioritizes people who are elderly, disabled, displaced, or with lower incomes with a goal of supporting economic mobility and financial growth. In June, the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) announced HPAP had run […]