
Statement: Councilmember Robert White on DCHA’s Three-Year Recovery Plan

I’m glad to see the Three-Year Recovery Plan from the DC Housing Authority (DCHA). This is a positive step for residents in DC’s voucher programs and public housing. I appreciate Director Pettigrew being clear-eyed about how DCHA’s organizational failures have harmed residents, and his commitment to restoring lost trust. As DCHA continues working on the recovery plan, I’d like to see 1) Clear data and timelines for accountability, with measurable goals and deadlines. 2) Greater resident input in the recovery plan. DCHA must hear directly from residents to understand the supports they’ll need as the agency makes changes to both its physical properties and policies. I encourage DCHA to hold meetings at public housing sites across DC to ensure residents’ voices are valued and at the heart of the agency’s turnaround. I also urge residents to read the plan and share feedback at

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